Re-Enrollment for Current Students

[For re-enrollment of current students only. To enroll a new student, go here instead.]
  • Enrollment in Caspar Creek’s program is limited by the capacity of our facility.
  • Fall 2020 Priority Re-Enrollment for currently-enrolled students ends April 30. Complete re-enrollment packets with all requested supporting documents must be received by April 30 to be considered Priority Re-Enrollments. Current students re-enrolling after April 30 will be considered Open Enrollment, be added to a waitlist and be included in the next scheduled Open Enrollment lottery. Re-enrollment packets are available below or at Caspar Creek.
  • After currently-enrolled students, siblings of current students and children of Pivot staff have next priority. In the event there are more of those applying than spaces appropriate for them, immediately preceding the May 18 Open Enrollment Lottery, a separate lottery will be held of only those priority applicants. Although the deadline for new Priority enrollments is the the first Open Enrollment deadline, May 18, Priority applicants should submit New Enrollment packets as early as possible.
  • Fall 2020 Open Enrollment for new students begins May 1 and ends May 15.
  • For any grade groups for which there are more applicants than spaces available as of May 15, a random public Open Enrollment Lottery will be held May 18 at 2:00 PM.
  • Additional lotteries will be held at prescribed intervals whenever a grade group is not fully enrolled (or ceases to be fully enrolled) and there are more applicants for that grade group than spaces available in it. Applicants are placed on a waiting list and chosen at random in a public lottery for the available spaces.
  • Lotteries will be conducted at Pivot North Bay and announced on the websites of Caspar Creek and Pivot Charter School North Bay.
  • To re-enroll, please download, print and complete the below Re-Enrollment Packet.
  • Completed Re-Enrollment Packets may be turned in to Katie Peterson or mailed to Pivot at the address on the form. Either way, they must be received by April 30 for Priority Re-Enrollment. Printed copies of the form are available upon request.
  • Please use the contact form at the bottom of this page to request a hardcopy Re-Enrollment Packet.

Re-Enrollment Packet for Current Students

[For re-enrollment of current students only. To enroll a new student, go here instead.]

Parent Commitment Contract

Please also review the Parent Commitment Contract we ask parents to sign each year for an overview reminder of what’s expected of parents.

Contact us about enrollment

Please select “Enrollment Interest” under “Please select recipient:”

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Please select recipient:


    Your Message