Monthly ACH Debit

Enrolling in the ACH Donation Program

Step 1: Download and complete the Authorization

Once downloaded, the form may be filled out electronically before printing, or printed and filled out by hand. (The download icon is in the center of the top edge, and looks like a page with an arrow inside pointing downward.)

Step 2: Attach a voided check

Step 3: Submit by postal mail

Please attach a voided check (if applicable) and submit the completed, signed form to:

Caspar Creek
PO Box 547
Mendocino, CA 95460

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Frequently Asked Questions About ACH Donations

Why ACH? Why not just write a check every month?

  • It’s convenient.
    Take a few minutes now to fill out and mail the form, and your donation will happen automatically each month. No further action is required.
  • It’s dependable.
    When things get busy, you can rest easy knowing your donation will occur automatically; no resources need be expended reminding you.
  • It’s streamlined.
    ACH also streamlines donations on the receiving end; the money arrives in the CCLC account each month without paperwork or trips to the bank. No staff or volunteer time or other resources need be expended.

Is my information secure?

FirstACH, our ACH provider, is an electronic financial services provider authorized to process financial transactions through the United States Federal Reserve Board’s Automated Clearing House (ACH). As such, FirstACH, Inc. is at all times in compliance with current requirements for privacy protection and security measures as promulgated by the Federal Reserve Board (FRB), the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and other regulatory and governing bodies.

All information provided to FirstACH, Inc. remains your private information. Secure socket layer (SSL) encryption is used to protect the transmission to FirstACH of information you submit to us. Information transmitted to FirstACH is stored on secure servers located on secure premises.

Once I’ve signed up, how do I make a change?

Donations may be changed or discontinued at any time via email to Hilleary Burgess,, or by voice mail at (707) 964-6234 option 5. Ten days notice is requested, but in most cases changes can go into effect in 1-3 days.

What does “open-ended” mean?

When “open-ended” is selected on your ACH authorization form, your automatic monthly donation continues at the amount you specify until you request a change. Please note that ACH donations continue year-round; they don’t pause for the summer.